Saturday, September 5, 2009


So I am in Brooklyn at Maggie's place snacking on olives before we go to dinner at the WILD GINGER-best vegan food in NYC!!! I have 1 more day in the city before I fly to London...
Recap of the past two days...
Dinner at Tartine (great French restaurant in the west village)
Walk through the Highline (old subway line converted to a park)
I tripped and fell crossing the street and smashed my finger into a lamp pole on the way to a bar-East of 8th where I stuffed my finger in a rocks glass while sipping a vodka and soda.
Then went to the ER at St Vincents.  Spent 5hours chatting with a chatty transsexual about make-up, hair and guys while waiting for an x-ray.  I broke it which was good because at 3am on a work night Sara would have been really mad if it was just a bruise;)
Made dinner with my sister, sister's boyfriend and cousin and played Trivial Pursuit which Maggie and I won!!
Today we all hung out in Sheep's Meadow enjoying the sun and heat.

I'll see you in my next city.
Love to all


  1. You are the best!! can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Love you Dad

  2. So did you get to find out why the chatty trany was in the ER --and was she invited to Trivial Pursuit night? :-) Hope all of the scrapes, bruises and breaks ended in NY. You'd never trip and endanger an RR Brew beer! Be Safe and have fun.

  3. love your blog. great title! disasters should now be over. such a smart girl to get them all done before you actually leave the continent. working on the postcard assignment. take care of the pinkie. i wish you all the best. you go with my love. mom
